Saturday, June 19, 2010

Harder Better Faster Stronger

So me and trung(ob trung that goes out with le) we had a man to man talk friday night. I really liked it he hates bens guts too for his own reasons and i told him why me and him are no longer friends. This conversation started cause he brought up soky's name. lol. eh. I have much respect for that dude now and i am forced to lol @ all the people that hate me. Trung said "Alot of people hate you thomas, do you know that? I ask them why and they say...its cause hes thomas" Then he would reply "Thomas is weird sure, but thats nothing to hate him for O.o" its w/e i laugh at all the people that hate me cause the reason why all those people that openly stated to him that they hate me dont have a legit reason, is cause its their own fault. haha. Dont fuck with me and make me serious and there wont be a problem :]. It makes me feel great to know that i can naturally get not worthy people to hate me. And i grew alot of respect for trung cause he listened to me and took my mellow side with a mature response.

The adrenline rush is going great for me..i realized that it was do to the lack of that i was feeling so down on myself before. Im not angry anymore! :D my body is functioning regularly. haha it makes me :]. but yeah, i cant control my rushes at all yet. i need to learn how to calm down during my rushes but now its just there haha. sometimes excessively. *shrugs* hehe

Han han han. Her name is Emily Han. we went to a house party together but i went REALLY late cause i had to finish a paper. I got a really good tipsy off of jungle juice and beers. We were both very tipsy :P She came over and slept over with me that night and it was alot of fun :]. Like expected, she was openminded and ready to listen. I told her about Phi and why im so unstable and why Moses says i refuse to settle and im a manwhore. lol. I still disagree but you know, Emily does make a great addition to my life. Welcome.

Another new addition is this girl i felt obligated to share my thoughts with from my program. Her name is Yifei and i told her about my philosophy over a lunch that same friday cause she helped me with my paper and we were talking about chi. It was a very deep, mental, and philosophical conversation. I didn't expect it from her but it seemed as if it was right down her alley. I shared a bit with Emily as well. lol. It makes my ego bloat when i tell people i used to meditate at such a high level at the age of 14 lol.

Life is great. Living it in the present. :] I hope things keep going up up up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"It makes me feel great to know that i can naturally get not worthy people to hate me."

Okay, now I'm insulted.

With "love",
