Friday, May 14, 2010


So, today was great. I've realized that im seriously stabilizing. Thats why my pool skills are actually improving now. Nothing but good news right now! :D There is a distinct pattern that i actually dont mind. Surprisingly i find myself actually busy with plans everyday. Before it was that i slacked soo much that i didn't have a chance to do my shit but now im keeping up even though i have soo many things to do with my days! OMFG the tip broke off my stick >:[ im so mad. beautiful stick :[ im sorry baby. One of these things would be hanging out with people i have not chilled with in like..literally 5 years. I also play pool and work. that is pretty much it.

Relating to the title. Today as i sat down thinking about what to title..what to write about. I realized i already knew. I think now is the best time to rethink what im doing with my life. see what im doing. I'm going to try to meditate again. and ladis and gents. the day i can mediate again ill quit smoking instantly. lol. we'll see how it goes. but yeah...throughout the whole week..hanging out with childhood friends..writing a letter for jenny hoac's time capsule, telling her about my past, hanging out with lauren, visitng ob, hanging out with monica, having a fuckin stable life. haha all in this week. I want to see how thomas is truely doing. That might harm me? unnecessary drama? most likely. but it must be done :] lets see if i even can. or am i too fuckin human? lol. i have enough motivation so ill hop right to it. Ooh and listening to this song from avenged sevenfold, Reminissions.

"A good friend once told me you are our memory
without them we equal nothing
And all I can see is the place I wanna be
suddenly my life was so free
Leaves at my feet, blown to the ground
their echoes are reaching my ears
Nights coming fast, suns going down
But keep away from me... keep away from me

(it's hard, to keep me in this place, keep away from me)

We may have created the beginning, mentally
We may have created the beginning, physically
To the end of our human existence..."

interesting lyrics. Im excited to see how this goes.

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