Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Love yourself

This blog post is for Those that do not and completely oblivious, are trying to, and already, Love themselves. This question has present itself to me recently and deemed worthy for my attention. I've noticed that even as far as the end of freshman year in college. People Fail to even grasp what it means to love oneself. There is nothing false behind the phrase, "You must first love yourself, before you can love others" hell, i'll say i dont love myself completely yet. there are still some regrets i hold on to. I hesitate constantly about my life and fear change. But i love myself at least enough to understand this much. There are some people out there i just...cant look at because they are so bright but they fail to see the light. (nice pun i know)lol. But seriously, this especially happens for overly studious people who trained themselves to work work work work. They dont give themselves a break they put their love for another before the love for themselves and even though its beneficial..sooner or later it will break you because you do not love yourself. You cannot specify what should be the utmost importance in your life before you've seen what you have to appreciate in your life is what im saying. There are people i talk to now constantly depressed because they feel like every step they take is in the wrong direction. I hope im clear with at least the conceptual aspect of this topic. So if you caught on you will now find yourself asking HOW and WHY? why would one need to love themselves if i know what im doing with my life? The answer tot hat is easy. If you dont love yourself (loving yourself directly translates to understanding yourself and your needs and wants etc) then you technically DONT know what you are doing with your life. Your relationship is failing. i wonder why. There is a steady stream of bad karma i wonder why. lol If you understood yourself and made not the RIGHT choices but the BEST choices. one would see that the circumstances would be greater influenced for the better. But since you only see the right choices and the bad circumstance, you wonder WHY ME. Well..this leads to How. how te fuck do you break out of your cycle. Its simple. Begin with the basics. Your family. You hate them..clearly..because you hate yourself. you are distant from people perhaps? clearly. because you dont know the type of person you are. you dont know the type of people you relate to. Or maybe your relationship never quenches that thirst that you yearn for. The social life shows whether you love yourself or not very clearly. Fuck shit i hate my family and i refuse to accept the way they are. The difference between my prospective and the prospective of one which does not love themselves is the fact that i've move past that and learned to accept the way they are. not because they are of their own individual world. but because they made me who i am and who am i? I am a man that loves his family for who they are because i love myself and appreciate the upbringing i was brought up in. Loving yourself is not hard at all. It involves rationalizing and thinking more logically on why your life is shit. Hell, i still forever live in a shit hole and i loved myself this whole time..doesnt mean i dont life in a shithole. It means that i have the confidence to get over it though in time. This is why i took this blog so seriously! some people love themselves naturally. Others had to work for what they have alot more than others therefore they forgot to spend more time on themselves. Which is fine. But loving yourself is the CORE source to the most Basic and simple confidence. the confidence that allows us to just get up every morning. Of course if mastered it can do wonders, as i too have experienced. But loving yourself too much may leave no room for others. You can always have too much of a good thing. in fact, i Loved myself so much i spent 7 years building a impenetrable fort. which i spent several more years tearing down. haha anywho. Please people. Love yourself. Never regret, for regretting is only the raw consequence of not fully understanding the results of your decisions! haha that RAW aspect, the fundamentals, of regret is derived from not loving yourself. THINK ABOUT IT

On another note. I guess im doing fine right now. Alot is happening cause im standing up you know..kicking and punching. Alive and pursuing, if you will. lol. recently i've been entering a new chapter of my life i've been trying to release myself from. I think hang helped me get out of it because i saw she was in the same state. Its a depressing state where you want to be ALONE like..i sat at frog pond for hours on end just looking in...talking on the phone..smoking. lol. another time i walked from downtown to foresthills in a matter of 3 hours cause i walked to relfection pool and just sat there. I was listening to my music and stuff. I was obsessed with serenity. There is no problem with that. but i dont want to be that type of person. Im gld that its a side of me that has really come out and expressed itself more lately but i love life too much to sit another moment just thinking about it. I want to embrace, feel, breath, taste the air around me the people and the experiences. Its a world of people that my body has lacked. I will learn how to meditate. But it will never take away my life. Thank you.

This is what i wrote to cung, There was no reply
WarCryExtremist: It seems to me that your recent endeavours have left me questioning myself as a person. And i must say i apologize for my misconduct. I wanted to do this rightfully in person but something tells me this would not happen so smoothly as it does in my mind. I feel like a truce should be made because i hate silence. That would bring nothing but negative circumstances to the nearby communities
WarCryExtremist: :]
WarCryExtremist: Now for whatever reason you have, you can consider of unimporantance i will of course respect, but i have done my part and i want to let you know that you are as much a friend to me as i am to you henceforth

That part that says "now for whatever reason you have (that) you can consider of unimportance i will of course respect" was a trying to sound smart part responding to the predicted response he would put saying "IDC" or something of the sort. lol butyeah. he's exactly like Huy, Christ.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Dude, I've totally thought about calling you numerous times but I know we'd talk for ages and I'd kill all my minutes.

Btw, I'm coming home either Tuesday night, sometime Wednesday, or Thursday of next week. WE BEETTER HANG ASAP.

and I see that the quiet, observant side is coming out! Interesting, interesting. It would've been nicer to do that over here in Amherst :P