Friday, May 28, 2010

get high drunk pussy and more

lol very vulgar title i know. but that is exactly how my life was like for two nights consecutively this week. I believe it was tuesday night..i was suppose to go to a party and for some reason they didnt accept college id's. and for some reason everyone whipped out passports. it was stupid. i ended up following V, linda tran's bf, to the heart of mattapan and we all drank and got high. the guys were cool. It wasnt until the end of the night when i was about to hop in the car one of V's friends was like..let me get a refill. ONE i paid for the fuckin liquor and had to haul my ass to get it, and i didnt even use any of it for its purpose. 2) i dont fuckin know the guy and i was high as shit. So idc who it is, when you open my bag and try to grab shit from my bag i take a step back even if i know what you want. i dont care. dont go through a man's bag if you want something you ask and if i say no its a no. lol I wasnt scared of them at all even though they were the stereotypical 6'5 250 lb black people. After i hopped in the car and closed my bag one of them came up to the car and was like...blah blah blah watch your boy when he comes back cause, my friend here, he's a alcoholic and your boy didnt give him a refill. I was scared at first cause i told him my neighborhood and what school i went to earlier. which was stupid i know but i needed a place to crash and i was talking to my friends which knew people at neu and they butt in on the conversation. so yeah..i was high out of my mind so thats all i heard. i didnt give a shit until 30 mins into my high i realized i told them my life, and i really didnt want them commin into the gameroom with their glock and shit. But yeah..they were super respectable. why do black people have to be so goddamn like..prideful. fuckin its my liquor. and besides theyre all over 21. assholes. that was the first night. wednesday night sabat asked me if i wanted to go to a strip club and i said sure. so we drank in the car until we were all like..really nicely buzzed and we went to the strip club. ass and tits everywhere. Sabat was trying to make me sit next to the stage and i did. i gave her 5 ones and she rubbed her boobs on my face and stuff. yeah. it was fun. tammy was there too. lol we sat next to this guy that was fuckin hammered talking to, who i thought, was the hottest stripper. i managed to keep up with the convo at first but then i said fuck it. The guy was from harvard and had the biggest ego, surprisingly he was super cool i would probably never hang out with him outside of the club though. lol he slid tammy his number almost instinctively. i got home pretty drunk still..and well..that ends the two night craziness

There are some other topics on my mind. Such as pool. i was having a bad day yesterday in pool and i got soo fuckin heated when a dude at the table next to me said "hey, can you please keep the childish noises to a minimum" cause i was like..bochenn rawr stop beating me. thats how i usually am. lol. its a funny kidding whiny voice. bochen knows i go serious on him though and i focus when its my shot. these guys were such douchebags. i was so heated i challenged them to a double. i technically ended up losing cause bochen ended up helping me win, i missed all my shots. i was so mad afterward i stayed in the pool hall for three more hours. close to breaking my stick. and they were complete noobs. they were still discussing how to position and shit. -_- and both of them had terrible form. I woulda fuckin raped them on a regular day. assholes. its okay though, i work there. next time i see them when im behind the desk ill be off. lol. anywho. next topic

so has anyone been on the subway before and looking into the tinted glass when youre sitting at a corner? its so mindfucking. it makes no sense. its a mirror. but its not any mirror. you could see all the way to the end of the cart if you get close to the glass. its that doesnt even make sense in physics. cause i know in physics it takes a mirror at least 1/3 your height to see your entire body. you have to get close to it. This proportion is wayyy out of range window an entire cart? the light angling and shit just doesnt add up. i realized this when i was going to ashmont to meet up V on wednesday. lol. another thing about subways is, why do people use their hands to brush their chairs? i mean..there are those to make sure its not wet..then i see people brushing off crumbs. i was just w/e about that until i saw exactly what could actually happen on those subway seats. wednesday afternoon i was on a cart that had a puddle of shit..literally..excrement. shit...on the chair. the smell was terrible. and i see a guy shortly afterward picking shit off his chair and brushing it before he sits. im like..honestly. you use your hands ALOT more than the ass part of your pants. thats disgusting.

Next topic. So there are alot more girls in my life than i realized atm. Ran Ding, a very attractive female that began workin in the gameroom she looks straightup asian and has a british accent like some do that immigrate from hongkong...but shes actually born and raised in Africa. british colonized the part she lived in as well..thats so sexy. another girl is..shit i forgot her name.. french girl which also works in the gameroom. then there is chung chung, i got her number yesterday cause i met her at a party and we bumped into each other again she smokes too so i felt comfortable to be around her she said she'll contact because she wants to hang out O.o. then theres tammy and jenny and im getting close to some of the wellsley girls again, talking to them on a daily basis. Theres also Daniela and Han (which i mentioned earlier) which are girls i just talk to friendly on a daily basis but tend to talk the initiative to contact me first even though we barely see each toher. huh..idk if its my ego..but the proportions between girls and guys (guys being just whoever is in the poolroom) is a bit..overrun. lol

Another topic. so i compltely forgot about meditation this entire week. aside from probably monday. it sucks how im not keeping up with it..the more gaps i put between my training the more years it will take me to get there. its like starting over if i dont do it everyday. poot.

Another topic. So my boss hates me, there are so many legitmate reasons why she would, i honestly dont blame her i was a terrible worker at first and she just seems to catch me on the most stupid moments. but considered the fuck up i guess.

Oh i was listening to the killers all day today and i got another epiphany. i know what i want tattooed. i want a beautiful moutain scenery tattooed on my arm. How does these two correlate? well its because the killers has this reoccurring image of mountains in their music videos..its rather subliminal. But i noticed it and thought of the symbolism and began to relate it to my life. Its a peek and its beautiful and not only did i say i always wanted to die alone in a beautiful natural scenery but i also continue onto my journey in serch of true beauty in this world. Its not within man because we cause hate. its not within love cause i been there. its another natural get this tattooed will not only mean that no matter where ill die ill be at a beautiful scenery but that i myself am true beauty. That is a lie. and its corny i know. but shit everyone has corny thoughts that keep them going right? whatever.

anywho. i think im going to wrap up. ummm how should i end? uhh...idk..w/e lol

1 comment:

Lauren said...

What happen to the FMA(?) tattoo you wanteddddd?