Monday, April 26, 2010

Hide and seek

PEEKABOO! haha i feel great. But i feel like my emotions are just as awkwardly bipolar as a hide and seek game lol like when im in a good mood its during that period of time where you find the hider and its the ahhh... i FOUND YOU!! trickyyy thing haha and when im in a bad mood its like. FUCK WHERE DID EVERYONE GOOO. >.> haha.

Well. lets see theres nothing that's new im slowly difting back out into the world and not as awesomely isolated and stable as i was like..2-3 post ago. ehh. I find it interesting how a person like me deep down actually prefers isolation. Me when i was high proves this as well as many other hints in my casual personality. Thats why im so bipolar XD cause during the day i naturally feel obligated to socialize and i know i hate it when i dont get to socialize if i have the opportunity to. idk im weird.

For the most part i've been thinking about my personality more often. A girl i've been talking to from BU, not giving names yet, lol but she called me strange but in a friendly manner cause we were joking and stuff. But i took this comment and thought about it. Before she called me strange i told her about a simple event i was observing. I was sitting in a room that was made up of like..3/4 windows and it was on ground level. So when i looked out i saw this girl talking on the phone and i continued to observe her because i saw a funny little squirrel behind her. As she moved, the squirrel would twitch and follow her. I found this quite amusing and continued to watch because even though the squirrel was no more than 2 feet away from her, she was probably completely oblivious of its existence. Am i weird for finding things like that amusing? i see it just as well..a coincidence that is worth observing cause you dont see squirrels express their sly,tricky, and clever nature very often. This made me realize that i was different from everyone else. I've been living in a hole so long that my "flow" is completely different from everyone else. Flow meaning the things i notice and the way i react. Others might categorize this as just plain socially awkward. lol even though everyone has their individual thoughts, i have a belief that states that when in a group, humans tend to subconsciously act alike. Proof by example of the way i naturally have a differnt "flow" would be one person begins to read and that subconsciously makes others pull out their books. id be the guy that pulls out a math text book. lol. or doesnt do anything for that matter cause i see that other people subconsciously responded to that one person. Im just out of the loop dude. haha Well. thats enough ranting. Time for me to Get my A's! and a girlfriend! XDD

1 comment:

Lauren said...

These recent posts are SOO bipolar. haha