Wednesday, February 10, 2010


So. im tempted to start a new blog. I haven't been particularly fond of the fact that im still typing under the title "R0SE5". I mean, i'm not ashamed of it or anything its just in order to show im changing i'd like a new blog. I dont want to start one though because for the first time i might just type for than 14 post in a year. isn't that crazy? was so hard for me to let shit out for the past like...three years that i would post no more than 14 post a year. I find it nice how i have no thoughts gnawing at me anymore. The gnawing feeling is rare because i have no burden to carry anymore. There is nothing for me to fix about myself, only improve. I like that. For the past hour ive been sitting on this couch alone..i read a whole newspaper. WTF i never read newspapers lol but it was very compelling. then i caught up on my reading in a class. Now im totally for jumping on that research paper due tomorrow after this post. Im just really excited to post that 14th post. It will show that i seriously did something different with my life. I want to make my past public to people. Show people what love is like a novel. haha. Cause it all does seem pretty absurd to me now. I've already sent my blog to some of my closest friends. I've yet to give it to kevin yet. I dont know why. meh...should i post the link on my facebook? I'll put myself out there. Its a scary thought. well..Idk. btw i need new contacts. my vision is getting so bad that i couldnt read the newspaper without having it right in front of me. My contact fell out of my eye three times yesterday and the first time it fell out i saw why there is a whole area my contact vision is bad in for my "good eye". The contact is very dry and severely cut at in a large section of the contact. I put it back in my eye anyway. lol. humm what else? Life is good. angela still ahsnt texted lol im going to call her and cuss her out XD. but yeah...i need to take a shit. i drank a monster and the acid is tearing out my insides. lol ttyl

1 comment:

Lauren said...

What are you "liking"? and I have yet to read these posts! :]