Thursday, February 4, 2010


OKAY...*slaps self* i do not admit that my past was not so bad! fuck my life. I dont remember what i went through but its killing me. Im stressing out because im not worried about whether or not i should have done what i did. my mental problems, were they exaggerated? hard to say. WHY AM I REGRETTING?! oh thats right...i can regret again. fml. girls. why do i need girls?! why does this thought bother me?! The thought is: Im a good guy, why dont any girls like me!?. Its bullshit. its whatever. This post is to get it out of my system. I think i started thinking about intimacy again due to psych. from the ages of 19-25 human beings are reaching their physical primes. that means everything is most sharp, especially if youre a athlete. This is a problem..if i cannot woe a girl during my prime. i dont know whats not as obnoxious anymore. i clearly have a open mind. i come off as intellegent (as my good female girls have testified) and i believe i have proficient appearance. I have my own mind. Idk im just a very general guy. I'd say i had the mind set of a man in his early twenties. Open-minded, funny, can hold a proper conversation. it should not be this hard to find a girl. seriously. If i want to get reallly deep into it (which i have) i would think about things like..probably its the way i look around. I notice i tend to instinctively look up if im focused and i feel someone is looking at me. so its this awkward thing that happens alot. or we can get more technical. Is it the fact that i stink? do i stink?... perhaps the girls notice that i have poor grammar as they continue to talk to me. This might reflect my intelligence and end in a negative conclusion. If anything it would probably be because im too touchy. but hell..i think ive done good lowering that. I used to be a very clingy type and id admit that. shit i liked hugs and girls giggles were a guilty pleasure. but if its scarying them away thats a fuckin problem. as shown by the pharmacy girls, which apparently call me "two feet thomas" behind closed doors...No closer than two wtf? i wasnt even that clingy to them. she said that "i threw pickup lines at her befoe i even told her my name." pfft. whatever. i stopped talking to them. but WHAT IS WRONG!? can any girl please tell me? Perhaps its my nails? lol cause i bite my nails alot and its impossible to break the habit :P ughh idk. Back of my head now. anywho..New clothes. i got this new jacket from H&M AND I FUCKIN LOVE IT. ridiculous. lol grades can definitely improve. speaking of which i have something due at 9am sooo. chao! more to come!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Wow. This was a funny post. lol.
I don't know. All women look for certain types of guys; me the mature type. Sometimes I feel like you are immature, but I do admit that you have grown out of it a bit. Maybe you just need to grow out of it a little more, but that doesn't mean you have to throw out all the fun in your life. You'd be a completely different person if you didn't have the joking and playful personality you have now, so I don't think you should lose it. Just maybe dim it down a little more. Maybe start saving and spending money wisely, changing your wardrobe (because appearance sadly means a lot), and just chilling out a bit more with the personality. I guess you can come across strong. Save it for when you get to know people better. Oh, and become friends with a girl before having any other intentions. I've come to believe that you need a strong friendship as a base before having a relationship. Have patience and take things slow. Let nature take it's course.
Miss you lots.<3