Monday, February 1, 2010


So, i was bored when i wokd up and i dazed on the subway. Like usual i notice things that happen when alot of people travel in a group. One can notice things that you never would actually notice if you didn't focus on it. like how naturally, in order to "not invade personal space" exactly fifty percent of the people in my cart came in from one door and fifty percent the other. Shows how we are programed so completely. :P anywho. thats not i wanted to blog about. what i wanted to blog about is..have you ever sat on the subway and saw a person and by looking at the way the person looked wondered wtf could be possibily be listening to on his ipod? lol. i saw this really old guy in a surprisingly nice suit listening to an ipod...he had to be at least 70. ahah. probably embracing the modern life, head nodding to rap music. haha idk. Well along with that observation. Today on the train i realized the third and main observation. The reason why i am writing this blog is because i realized i really like neu. I like it because there are endless possibilities. Unlike highschool there are people that actually act like me. think like me, dress like me, and listen to rock music. THERE ARE PEOPLE THAT LISTEN TO ROCK MUSIC! i love it.haha. i would open my ipod and instead of people going like wtf is that shit?...people are like..yeah turn it up! haha. its great. I feel like i belong.

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