Wednesday, January 2, 2008


DUDE WTF yrs must have been the most wild day in my life. I went to melissas new yrs party, laughed my ass off at "Stomp The Yard" XD. then headed to ahh...bens place. were were going to play beer pong and i was his partner XD. I never played beer pong before and on the ride there from melissas he was telling me the rules and blah blah blah. lol we get there and we hang out for an hour or two and during that time i think i drank 2 party cup sized cups of smirnoff/org soda. tasted good but his sister didnt know how i liked it so it was a tad strong xD. Honestly it was better than the beer because afterward ben handed me a can of budlight i think..and told me to get used to the flavor cause ima get alot more where thats commin from i think i drank a can and a half. Now beer pong hasnt even started yet and ppl were still comin in, i filled up a 3rd cup of smirny to wash down the beer an i THINK i was 3/4 done by then XD..on the first game we played i believe we lost by 1 or 2 cups..or we won..forgot. it was a close game the first time. By the time it was the second time around it was a couple hours later and ben was close to his limit and i was on my limit XD.we ended up loosing BAD XD...the loosers have to drink whats eft on their side and the opponents side..and it rung up to 6 cups..which was litterally 2 cans of i had a can and he had a can..and i threw up finishing the first cup xD...i threw up in a paper twel and jeted outside and made a waterfall(vomit) xD...then i chuged the other two cups cause i was kinda sobered up. after that my body started spazing on me and i couldnt walk straight and couldnt sit still at all xD. the ppl there we all pretty cool, meeting me for the first time they had several nicknames:henry (dont ask idono either) and Mclovin(i guess i did something that reminded them of mclovin when i was drunk) XD. they made me play thumper with them there was about idk 8 ppl at the table. and yeah i dont feel like typing out the rules so look it up..itll probably be on the internet as a drinking game XD. well i woke up next morning (slept over bens cause i couldnt get home at that time). i thought i was sober. cause i woke up rather early(8 am) and i was walking straight. So i hop on his computer to wake me up and 10 mins in i start getting a BANGING headache i hop back in bed and knocked out until noon. lol....well it was bongs bday..happy bday bong XD. and well yeah i ended up not going cause she didnt want me walking in the snow? xD.

well the main thing i got out of this is the mindset of someone intoxicated. when you look at drunk people you think their head is in a completely different world because well, thats how they forget the stuff thats happening in their lives. and their acting wild because the bloo is rushing so fast. well remember the stuff i did (for the most part) and i was completely in zone when everthing was happening. actually i was thinking so clearly that i was thinking too much. i probably remembered alot of memories cause i feel like i did remember something. *shrugs* well...because im already out of balance it took me yday and a bit of today to line my body back up with my head. Yesturday i was still studdering when i talked and even when someone was right next to me i would daydream so deep so fast that i wouldnt hear a word they said. xD...i said "what?" alot..humm...but if this is the extents of liqor...i think there isa way to fight it because since my mind was completely there. All it did wa separate the connection between my body and mind...if the connection was strong enough my theory is that beer or hardly wouldnt effect you. This is probably what people slowly adapt after drinking alot. Except i know whats happening..idk..this is all just theory. Theres no way of testing it without me being 100% back to shape again. The funny thing is there could be 100000 people reading this entry but i think only 3 would understand...and thats giving alot of slack X]...have fun reading this is gunna be a long one

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