Tuesday, January 15, 2008


i say goodbye to the last 5 years of my life, there will be similar but i believe it cant get any worst, now that ive ventured more than enough land that many people will never explore. That is another reason why i laugh actually..because ive hit such a high place that i think everything else(counting negative things that happen to me as well as anybody else) is a joke. lol..i just remembered that while typing it. so it was kinda weird. Well i said it many times why i laugh but i think this is the MAIN one X]..so yeah. lets see..on other notice friday was probably one of my most memorable days ever. lol everything flashed in front of my eyes in a matter of minutes. Some people call that the sign of death soon to come but i think its the complete opposite. lol. well on the subway is where most of my thinking happens..i am in my own little worldwhile at the same time have endless things to observe. Today i came across a fimilar topic while daydreaming out the doors. It was about the people you see partially mentally disfunctional on a bystanders viewpoint. Easy symbols might be awkwrd moves and talking to self in a public manner. Alot of them though, looked as if they hadnt been like that for their whole lives and t makes me wonder what causes them to be like so. Could i have been like them?...can it be fixed mentally or is it physically damaged?...is there actually things more painful than what ive witnessed?..lol..all very interesting questions that i recall asking before. Its one of those fascinations that humans tend to love. Stand and like watch. lol. It doesnt matter who you are or where you come from, all people do that but its so random. There was one time on the subwaywhere i also bumped into a old friend, he used to be the most hyper guy ever, probably more hyper than me, but i guess maturity took a toll on him and now hes shy to even look at me. How sad. Goodbye was the title because i think this is a proper entry, talking about the transitions between mindsets. I dont know why anyone would hate themselves/ their past. lol...just dont..it makes no sense..because there two types of situations in this world. 1 is the ones you cause, and the other one is the inevitable. zzz..never blame it on anyone else. zzz i just felt like throwing this out there..cause theres alot of unneccassary drama in this fucking world. lol..and if it is your fault just let it go..its too late to change it now. lol..and now that i think about it, im just typing whatever comes into my mind so technically speaking, this might just be directed to myself...hummm that would be interesting.

This entries basically been like blah blah blah blah blah blah blahhhh...i felt like typing too bad XD

1 comment:

Lauren said...

i noticed that you actually tried typing in punctuated sentences in the middle. and then it just faded. lol but you don't you apostrophes. poo. well. i guess i can say for once, nice entry? haha I think the sentences made me like it more :D

take out the word verification!!