Friday, January 25, 2008

Screaming Laughter

Now this is what happens, i talk to people and they listen and respond. more than 90% of the time while talking i think of/remember things hat i usually couldn't. Today for some reason, after i got home my parents were asking for my report card again. i made a fake one and showed them it. Though it was going against all my morals i had no other choice because i didn't have the original, and didn't want to show them. So i felt really guilty...but tell me why my parents were asking for it again. My mom she said "i just want to look at it again, because it doesn't look like you". for some reason my body took control and i got so ma i stormed away. it was probably because fake or not, they did this a lot. I started off the worst child and never since they thought of me as nothing else. i had few instances in which i physically showed them so idono why i got mad. Probably it was just because i know that if i really did do that good, they wouldn't believe it anyways, and they will be like, "it doesnt matter anyways, cause your gunna drop next term..its always like that". They actually said that to me quite a few times, there were times when i proved them wrong and other times when i didnt. It just gets so fucking annoying how im always inferior in the family. its like a pathetic clique in this fucking house. Whats worst is they only see the same image of me 16 years, they dont know anything besides the fact i used to wet my sheets and never liked to study. Thats really all it is. *shrugs* probably its just me but when your 16 and your parents still have the image that "all my son wants to do is play play play play" is really fucking annoying cause they dont know shit. So on other note today sucked balls, i had to go to robotics and stare at this guy from MIT. He had a very ignorant shirt on saying "I wish i was human again!". kinda pissed me off. Before that, i was trying to find ben cause he was gunna go play guitar hero(i had to go tell epople in robotics that i wouldnt be there) turns out he left me. While i was looking for him though, i had to go to dudley and i had a skateboard in one hand and a headphone in the right ear. Some fucking obnoxious like, sophmore/freshmen black guys were like sup jackie-chan(said as a insult). I didnt hear them at first cause of my music but i realized 2 seconds later..looked over my shoulder and gave them a look like w/e dudes. Tell me why right after that that i heard one of them say something like, "he better not turn around cause ima knock him out". they were scrawnier than me and i had a heavy bookbag on and a skateboard. They were so ucking lucky i was too consentrated on my music and finding ben cause if i didnt have my ipod in my pocket or needed to find ben, i woulda turned around and been like. "so what?". Honestly i fucking hate this society, its all image. HE probably just said that to impress his friends, knowing that he could get some rep screwing with someone he knows is higher than him. Because obviously the higher people wont talk back and go down to their level, so he thinks hes fucking cool. skateboards are very easy to swing around with your hands cause its fairly light. i was holding it sideways but in like a split second i could twist it in my hand and hold it by the truck so its longer and swing it. that guy and his two other fuckin scrawny friends wouldnt have a jaw. You just dont fuck with people that have weapons in their hands. My bookbag could have been considered a weapon. And if i didnt use it as a weapon i coulda droped it and just went with the skateboard, cause i had like 2 textbooks weighing me down. Im probably all talk now but damn, i wish i did do it. zzz omfg typing it right now pisses the fucking shit out of me. xD. fucking humans

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