Thursday, December 27, 2007

friends! :D

aye now this entry is a special one..cause even for the literally 1 other person thats been commenting on this, it isn't so convenient to read it. SO! anyone that does read it means they are truely my *looks up at title* XD...cause well they give a sht enough to stalk my page. ANYWO, last night was CRAZY lol..i had this dream about me and my friend, rather attactive id say. lol..for some reason i had a jgoigfjif FREAKISHLY VIVID dream of me and her going out..and it was the end of a school day and i was walking past everyone holding her hand..and i saw my whole hispanic group at the table like always and greeted them me and her went somewhere and started making out and stuff IT WAS SO WEIRD...XD and it s the first dream i EVER actually remembered and its like 6 pm and i STILL remember everything its wa 10x better than that other dream i had which was the complete opposite...i remember it but its vague..all i remember of it is me and everyone i cared for, closest friends and my family were on a stage and gunned down in front of my face and the ruckus allowed me to escape without injury...WHICH SUCKS cause it isnt pretty at all seeing everyone you care for die in front of you cause of something you did but you manage to escape *shrugs*...but seems like my estimation is right..2 months might actually do the trick....then the REAL battle will begin hehe...the battle of life that is


Kings said...

oi is t just me or was this entire entry a RUN habit needs to fix my grammar even if im not typing seriously X]

Lauren said...

stop talking to yourself. HAHA. :]