Saturday, April 17, 2010


omfg. this songgg is STUCK IN MY HEAD. Im like...breathing this song right now. idk why its so deeply engraved into my head. the last song that got me so bad would be Guns and roses- estranged. well listen to it while i continue my post.

Contradicting the lyrics of that song i feel great. I have that unrest shit against cung but thats w/e noone & nothing is feeding the fire since i have no need to talk t him anyways. Last thing he did that bugged the shit out of me was he was in the group i was with and i kinda was working then looked up and asked the group "does anyone know how long it woud take to walk from neu to ___*forgot where" but people shook their head, cung looked up at me and through his body language it looked like he wanted to say something but decided not to as i continued to stare at him and he ignored me. im way to ignore me. haha. anywho. thats to get out the bad news first, see? its not bad. good news. the process to get into neu for next year is on the MOVE its great and im part of it. two days ago i went to training with richard lopez. he has a interesting character and i promised him i would follow him to practice one day because i too have a passion for martial arts. i did mostly cardio. the most painful exercises would have to be the pyramid punches. (punching up to 20 by going 1,1-2,1-2-3,1-2-3-4, etc. after hitting up to 20, going down from 19 again) you can say...ALOT OF FREAKIN PUNCHES lol we did this on each arm. it like..destroyed my arms haha. another painful exercise was the...i forgot what type of kicks. but think of how you swim, you alternate kicks in a fast motion. imagine doing exactly that except standing up, and kicking boxing pads which are placed low in front of your feet. we had to do that for two mins twice. and it hurt even worse cause since i trained with rich we had to hold the boxing pads for one another. and kneeling after the exercise is llike...painful. lol. most of the other exercises consisted of squats and mostly lower body stretching exercises both of use were cringing leaving red tiger dojo. lol. shotokan karate :].

Oh funny story! last night after the training lol. i fell asleep on kevins bed, its a bunk bed and its raised like..5-6 feet off the floor. lol me rich and conor were laughing so hard at this story later cause i was soo out of it. lol conor was asleep but he heard it and kinda saw a body fall lolol cause he sleeps right under me. and rich saw it cause i was like...shuffle..roll..roll roll *splat* lol. i was so out of it too from exhaustion. this is when it got super funny cause i was super sleepy but i felt pain all over my body like someone punched my face, legs feet body all at the same time i had the wind knocked outof me and curled into a ball, but fell asleep quickly after lolol. 5 mins later i woke up and went to the mirror cause my body started to burn due to the pain and i walk outside the bathroom, the mirror says i was fine. and i asked rich, "why was i sleeping on the floor?" and he was like..lololol you rolled off the bed. and i was like..ohh no wonder but i was so sleepy that i got back on the bunk and slept. my muscles were too tired so i kinda..stepped on conor :x lolol. the morning after funniest shit ever cause we were talking about it and its silence day (be silent for 24 hours to raise awareness of sucide or something like that) and conor was doing it so he couldnt express his emotions when he was asking, why did you step on me?! lolol. he's such a funny guy cause he started pouting and point at my feet. haha. i vaguely remember stepping on him and hearing him grunt. lolol. but i do. and that was halarious XD elbow hurts now cause i landed right on my right elbow. lol but good times.

anywho what else? idk i feel free i feel alive. i feel like i have control because i dont feel the need to talk to girls AT ALLL. I think about like. the cutest girl i know and they all go to friend. im like..Yes! pressure of life goal and seriously wait as i enjoy whats in front of me. well, recently ive been smoking more often. I bought my first pack ever sunday april 11,2010 lol. dude its taking me a while to finish. there is 20 in a pack and i only smoked half of it. after a week. thats about little less than 2 a day. my smokes are going to go bad before i can finish the pack XP im around my friends too much so i cant just whip one out. haha

Paintballingggg omfg i went paintballing for free and it was soo fun. idk if i got any kills. but it felt awesome to be shuffling aorund like a boss with a gun in my hand. haha me evan and conor went together and in the second to last match i was the last one standing (so i think i did get at least 2 kills) and the last round evan was the second to last one. he looked badass haha. cause it was him against like..2 others. he lost but he took out alot of guys. haha. i go a paintball bruise! i was about to surrender but i look at the impact point after taking cover again and realize it didnt break on me so i was like..word and aimed at the person that tried to kill me. lol. i got head shoted like..4 times. lol chest shot twice and fingers/arm twice. and the four headshots was in a matter of like..two rounds. because i slid behind cover at the beginning of the match and looked behind me at evan, be was opening himself over the cover so i was like. looks like im safe to peek and start firing. i didnt shoot a single shot that round cause right when i peeked there was a guy in prone and he just..rained on my face. lol he was aiming for evan but i took all the shots XD. it sucked cause like..2-3 hit my head haha.

Acedemics, im keeping up with :] its great i only have about 1-2 classes a day and its in the morning so i get out before 12. awesomeeee haha. I WANT MY FUCKIN A's. I was at curry doing my hw recently and he was like comeon, lets play pool. an im like.sure but later. hes like why? and i was like. i Really want to get some work done right now. and everyone looked up at me and i was like...what? and they were like...that sounded so ridiculousy genuine like you REALLY WANTED TO GET YOUR FUCKIN WORK DONE. lol and im like yeh. so i didnt play pool :]. and yes, i got work done. haha. Well, enjoy the song!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Yay! You're growing up and becoming more responsible. Congrats :P

And I am not! They lead me on! lol. and everytime you call, I'm always talking to someone or at the library or something. D: