Monday, March 29, 2010

Happy post

dude, i must put that as the title. cause like..shit..i need a happy post. even if the post is about a period of my life. I've had a post about a average day...endless crappy days. for some reason i just didn't use to believe in making happy post. Probably because it painted a bullshit imagine. but now hell. who says i dont have happy days? im not the man i used to be. Anywho happy post. apparently im a attention whore because i felt like CRAP in the morning. like..i got decent sleep but shit..i woke up feeling like i didnt sleep in days. (the usual from previous post) in fact. Nothing was good about this day! :D i failed my stats test and fuck..i failed at pool and the weather was crap. but i feel great cause i got the <3 and attention i needed. thats all i ever need to be happy. It was with a girl named trang shes a middler and were just friends but i took her to a dining hall and we ate and talked together for an hour and a half. and i absolutely LOVE the conversations which happen just so smoothly. i dont feel like im trying to get to know her but rather were trying to get to know each other. She put her thoughts out there and so did i. I dont have to ask a shit load of questions and feel like im trying to gain something from the experience. Funny thing is i've seen her around campus since first semester and she of course noticed me cause she was one of those always in curry. Today was our formal introduction though and i got to know her. Completely friendly just awesome. after we ate and talked we went back to curry and i can tell she wanted to stay cause usually, she would have just left by then since shes a commuter. Instead she stayed with me for another hour and we did nothing but play cards, talk about funny stuff and listen to music. I love socializing :]. and im sorry if i left this out on the last post but the day before i posted the previous post.

I BEAT BOCHEN IN POOL. hahha *STAMP* know i know you might say..there was already a blogpost saying that? but no. I look back and can tell he was going soo soft on me. lol. this time he was playing seriously. cleaning me for 20 games straight. his stupid ass decided to play one handed for one shot. and missed and i got PISSED and was like FUCK YOU BOCHEN IM NOT THE PLAYER I USED TO BE....TIME TO WIN and i cleaned the table with him having 5 balls left on the table. lol.sure sure you can argue that he WAS going soft on me. but shit. if anything im worthy opponent for his one handed skills. and he can beat someone thats been playing for 7 years. HE only played for 2. He's a fuckin prodigy. AND i BEAT HIM WITH LESS THAN 1 YEAR OF EXPERIENCE FUCK YESSS. lol im catching up wait~. i remember before when there was no competition and you can slaughter me with one hand..hands down. but now. BUWAHAHA you must play me seriously with two or else ill bite your ass! :P. its a great feeling to know im worthy competition for him now. Me and my cue stick, lucasi. are unstoppable. i <3 my stick now because i am worthy for it. it feels great. i found out its because its 17 oz stick instead of 19oz. 19oz is alot heavier and yeah...19oz much easier to use if your a beginner. for pros it might be comfortable but it might be better to use 17 cause more feel. thats what i wasnt used to before :D. my stick allows me to feel the whole table once i tap into it. when i strike the white ball..even though the object ball is on the other side of the table..i FEEL how much power went into the object ball, how much spin and it helps Soo much. idk how to explain it. probably its just my stick. what other good news. shit. fail cause ctually its not the best time of my life right now. im exhausted and nothing is good. but i feel great. and thats all that matters sooo toodlelOo!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Happy post but short post..

and dude. I did say the name. You'd know it's in the previous post if you kept tabs on me!