Monday, June 15, 2009

Time flies when you're having fun

It's true, time flies when you're having fun. Its almost 4 am but no sunrise nor birds chirping. Cars are starting to run outside though. Insomnia hasnt recoiled yet.I just finished the movie 7 pounds, feturing one of(if not then IS) my favorite actors, Will smith. He portrayed his emotions VERY nicely through the entire movie. It confused me until the end why he actded like so though but in the end it made sense. I wont spoil it for anyone, just watch it. And for future thomas, if i write a blog about a movie, that means its good, so watch it again! XD. since i havent blogged in a while and feel quite guilty, lets jump back a bit. Sign out day, June 10. I got so many pictures with people it was awesome. after i signed out i believe i...i dont remember. lol its late and im in old thomas phase. He's dying. lol not much anger left in present time nor is there many memories left. Just alott of patience and a heavy feeling. The feeling of burden that i would get until the end of time. lol I got used to it though i guess. Everything i need is with morning thomas, pretty much..drifting thoughts right now will be absorbed in the morning. Anywho, moving onto june 12th. Graduation day. It was awesome i went to pick up the suit i didnt end up wearing and got to the BU track feild and tennis center at exactly 7 when i was suppose to be there at 6. They started to walk about 5 mins after i got there. graduation was great i felt estatic and im glad my family made it and all my friends did as well. To be honest, 3-5 years ago i didnt expect to graduate from highschool, cause the mental breakdowns woulda put me ina mental asylum or dead. but im glad i made it in one peice and heading to a fairly prestigious college. I dont know how i did it put i came out of another one with a miracle. well, after grad i hung out with Don, moses, raymond and this new girl i met named hang. Shes very friendly and compatible we talked alot and laughed alot during the bls grad, which was june...8? lol. yes june 8, the same day as my anti prom. we ate at unos and i decided to sleep over dons cause we were done around late 11pm and still very much in BU area. I decided not to pursue my future with jannie. Yes, i wrote it. lol. this thought came about when my sister told me to choose, cause 1) i was going in circles and stressing over overly-human issues and 2) old thomas would have definitely eliminated this problem and actually, prevented it from occuring a longg time ago. this problem being the problem of deciding what i should do when affection is invited to the field. Nono. lol. June 13? i believe i was out again cause i promised monica to hang out with her and celebrate hermans bday with her. they kept taking turns giving me wet willies as i was the third wheel -_- so immaturely disgusting. june 14 i went to a grad party to celebrate kevins graduation. i didnt get home until midnight and brought lauren home with me (literally not metaphorically) lol. she couldnt get home in time and she stayed over until about 6 pm so it was a good 24 hours with her. I went out to eat with fam too cause they didnt get a chane to celebrate my graduation on the day of my graduation. Now it is june 15 and it is banquet day! yayy. im on a boat andd..ill update my blog andd..okay ill stop. lol. sigh* thoughts and ranting section...GO!
my opportunity passed. lol and it was as i predicted: a success. i was neither human nor..w/e lol. Very mutual. idk how i did it..probably it was because of that contract i signed the first time we met. ehh..still not going to type what the opportunity is cause well, thats the joy of bad memory ill look back at this in the future and if i needed to remember it i will, if not good ridance. lol. my insomnia is so weird, i sleep so little and yet im getting by very well. I understand why though. I told you that i knew how to meditate with old thomas but not new thomas right? well, even though i dont know how to meditate a) me at night is TECHNICALLY the closest ill get to the mindset and aura i had back when i could meditate and b) since the old thomas has become soo.empty and new thomas helped clean up the bumps. its very easy to meditate now. so who knows, im probably mildy meditating right now. I dont knoww cause i cant control nor understand it since it IS different. but it would explain why i dont need to sleep. lol. and since im so used to the heavy meditating, the type that could actually drian my energy, such a weak meditation would simply itch the bite lol. im tired though...sooo ttyl! ive estimated my human to hit climax in about a little more than 3/4 a year. :] im excited to see if my estimate is right.


Anonymous said...

Please learn to use paragraphs! *begs!* <3

Lauren said...

"Literally not metaphorically." lolol.