Tuesday, June 2, 2009

PROM! :]

So one of the most memoriable moments(events wise) has past. And for a guy that considered another school's prom as his own, i didnt do bad at all when it came to having/making fun. I went with this girl named Jannie Ko i met around a month ago at my great friend, Don Vu's bbq. Ever since then we've been pretty close and yeah. Grinding and slow dancing. both were fun with her, and several other girls i forgot the names of >.< LOL. I also danced with a girl from my school named Cassandra. lol it was fun. I think out of BLS i found the best group of friends. Kevin afable (hes as crazy and douchebag-like as me lol filipino guy really badass) then there is Don vu idk what to say about him lol hes just there to be a awesome friend and to give us laughs with his OCD like manner. then theres Moses Tran, Don vu moses and I are kinda like a trio together we hung out together the most out of like..the group and besides moses, Don vu was the first other guy i knew from the group. Moses and i knew eachother from like..5th grade steppingstone so it was good times. Then there is Raymond lol the robot. He talks but he just chooses not to cause hes not the energetic type and doesnt really know how to just pull out a stupid funny conversation. He isnt the awkward quiet type though, which makes him really cool lol. Im not sure if i should include Joey. lol joey is really cool i met him this year too i consider him a part of the group but hes more of the independent one that comes and goes as he pleases but he is a great company :]. The girls. Humm. its mostly guys in the group and girls are like..more than welcome to hang with us. but there isnt 1 solid girl yet. not with the group im thinking of at least. Closest would probably be Jannie, just because she is so awesome :] lol. There is Rachel Banci! lol. She is probably one of THE coolest girls ive ever met. Like...mike(my friend from steppingstone) has it reallly good since hes with her. lol. im glad shes in boston cause it shows there are great girls in boston if you look. really hard. lol. Thats pretty much my immediate group of friends from BLS that i hang with :]. Moses, don, kevin, raymond, mike jannie and Rachel. There always has to be that couple lol. idk. But it works out very nicely. I can consider Theresa and Chris too :] they are like, Homar and Maria type couple like, wow they are destined to get married. lol. They are trying to hook me up with Jannie cause Theresa is best friends with Jannie. Well. yeah. what else?
GUITAR! :D HI HUYY if youre reading this i hope you are ready :] dont blame your friend, Vu, for helping me out cause its not his business, he told me hes cool with you. i think he made the best of the situation by making as many people happy as possible :]. o btw. i must tell blog what happen. So right i stalked huy, yes..stalked, on google maps and took clues everyone gave me to try to piece together where huy lives to get back my guitar. well i had his house in like..roughly 1 block estimate from JFK all i needed was the Exact house and since ive been so diligently working my efforts paid off :]. Throughout this Entire process, Its not because your friends helped me huy, just to let you know. It's because they saw i had 10x more BALLS than you and took a stand and had resolve for the situation. I had control and well thought out plans too. All you had to do was talk to me. Well if you didnt know i left a latepass in your mailbox with my name on it to flag your house and to show you i was there :] felt great. Ill go back in a matter of time Huy, in a matter of time :]

P.S. I almost kissed jannie at prom :O it wasnt the right moment though, and something held me back. It was funny cause Theresa saw it like. Im thinking, "WTF through the crowd? really? she must have been stalking me lol." After the moment, she snatched her from me and left me with the guy she was dancing with o.O and it was a slow dance...and she was whispering in her ear. and After a bit when the slowsong was still playing she snatched me back and gave her dance to jannie so then i was talking to theresa and she told me she saw and ehh. I said i was just singing in her ear. (which i was) lol oddly, i knew ALOT of hiphop song lyrics. the DJ was great lol. I dont think i would have wanted it to happen. I dont want it to happen. lol. Oh curse my life! XD...wait i take that last statement back its cursed enough already. lol Meh. It made me think that im realllyyyyyy not ready yet for anything human and maybe, me and jannie just arent fit. I like how our relationship exploded though :] we got very close very fast :] but ehh.
i think all THIS *points at this last paragraph* is happening probably, a year too early. lol. Its inevitable that i turn human. I know it. I can already type the word love. It makes me twitch when i use it in the symbolic sense still, but i say it for fun as if its like another word. Im a disgrace to the struggles of my past self. OH WELLS :x lol. Yeah, Im estimating one year and everything will be in the past. *sigh* lol.

theres so much to say in this entry. ughh but i really dont feel like typing it all time to summarize and make my grammar even worse. lol
Should i go to OB prom? i mean. i dumped all my money into bls prom thinking THIS IS MY PROMM so now i realized i had so much fun with my hand full of bls friends im wondering if OB prom would be even better. lol idk, i had ALOT of fun meeting new people and stuff.it felt great knowing the night had such potential. Ob prom might be worse because im not half as close to any OB people as i can be with BLS people. BLS people have much less drama. And umm. i would know everyone on the dancefloor and it would be awkward grinding with like..people i was friends with. lol. pass.


Lauren said...

I'm glad you had fun! Prom is fun, I'm not not sure if I care about our prom. Since ya know, I'm basically the same as you. I'm not close to many people here. Anyways, I don't think we'd have slow songs, nor hiphop songs. It was mainly reggae last year.. or songs not understandable to the naked ear. -__-
Btw, you're a freakin' psycho.

Unknown said...

hi tommy, this is mike. and im sad. you didnt mention me until you talked about rachel :[[[, i see how it is.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...


*points at last paragraph* LMAOOOOO...
LOL ... >.< no more comments on this ..you know why O_o