Wednesday, November 7, 2007

people these days

Atreyu-Dilated (its a myth in my eyes)
Yesterday I forgot to breathe for like the 6th time this week...

Maybe it was the pink cloud strafed sky that changed my mind, and brought me back.
Seems like every day it's kill or be killed...
With all this anger, we cannot progress.
With all this anger there is no time to inhale and progress,
And catch the smell of something that you once knew...
Cause every day it's bear the load or break
When will it be too much?
Have you ever stopped, raised your face up to the sun and screamed?
Let it out exhale the pain that strangulates your soul.
When will I be free? When will I be free? When will I be free?
My lungs take in the fragrance of remorse.What is the cost?Am I living?
If you let your lungs fill up with pain then you will drown, then you will drown in your own regret.
I'm drowning in my own regret!
Stop, look around, the stuff you see rebuild, renown, everything's so beautiful if we just take the time.
My arms feel so numb... my heart palpitates missing a beat.
The blood freezing in my veins... the taste of rust in my mouth!
So today I just threw it all away. I just threw it all away!
Though the light burns my eyes I will not be blind.
If you blink you could miss so much.
Please don't ever close your eyes.

...and i hate ignorance...point blank

=> you know that ive actually posted like...3 entrys?..but i delete them soon after because they reveal my personality too much and for people that dont know me very well (80% of the people i know) they might take my thoughts wrong...and i have no intention of making everyone i know into some kind of therapist by telling them about my life simple entrys should do it

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

