Friday, November 23, 2007


ehh yeah yeah...everyone heard of the quotes about fear, The only thing we have to fear is fear it'self. lol..typical...but the funny thing is..its in the air but noone GRASPS it. honestly, imagine the possiblilties that would open up to you if your werent afraid of death. Now you dont even have to do dangerous things to use that to its full potential. All it would do is allow your mind to ask your head more than..will this hurt me? for example if i was afraid of...going into the swimming pool. because you thought you would drown. What if you werent afraid of death, therefore you can just jump into the water knowing how to swim or not. in doing that im 99% sure that if you do that, youll learn how to swim faster than anyone there. cause picture it..a guy not knowing how to swim with a smile on his face..dives into the water..completely calm..that allows him to float..thn he just puts the strength in his arms to stroke..its just as if he skipped the whole process of LEARNING..which many people have to go through in life becase your parents are dicks(in this peticular subject only, there are many other shortcuts of course) and dont teach you shortcuts like this earlier in the day course its easier said than done, but its very possible because look at it from this point of view. fear is different in everyone, which means it wasnt there in the first place, and came from somewhere after your brain developed..just like 99.9% of the other things in your head. if your able to change your personality from being a wild guy on fridays clubbing with your friends and switch the next morning to a complete business man, its the same concept. lol..cause fear is only a thought in your head.its a part of your personality yeah sure, but just like 3/4 of all the other parts of your personality, it can be adjusted. Its just that ever since you were little noone put it into your head. :] without fear your a fastlearner..and your fture would be 10x brighter than many people because some people are scared that i will fail this test..and o jinkies guess what you FAILED haha..idono...put everything into a bright light so that your life becomes easier..and Everythings a laughing matter.

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